Crick African Network African Career Accelerator Awards: Call for Applications

WACCBIP is pleased to announce that the Crick African Network is accepting applications for the African Career Accelerator Awards, which will provide Fellowship support for African Post-Doctoral researchers aiming to make the transition to becoming an independent researcher and launching their own research group.

The Awards will invest in early-career researchers who have demonstrated strong scientific and leadership potential, as well as a commitment to continuing their research on the African continent.
It is expected that up to six fellowships will be awarded in this round, each with a value of up to approximately £130,000. Provision has been made to cover costs of travel for both relocation and conferences, as well as research related costs for consumables. Each fellowship also includes the option of the purchase of up to two pieces of equipment, each up to a value of £10,000.
Fellowships are for a duration of up to two years, and may include personal salary, visa costs and research expenses to implement the research. Fellows will spend at least six months in each of two locations: The Francis Crick Institute (UK) and at one of the five African partner institutions (the University of Ghana, Stellenbosch University, University of Cape Town, MRC Unit The Gambia at LSHTM, and MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit). This can be accumulated in more than one visit.
Applicants must be a citizen of one of the 55 African nations, as defined by the African Union.   Applicants will also have a PhD and have no more than 6 years' post-doctoral research experience (with allowances for legitimate career breaks) but more than 2 years' post-doctoral experience unless the applicant has an outstanding track record, supported by publication and employment history.
Made possible by funding from the UK's Global Challenges Research Fund, this call is seeking expressions of interest from eligible applicants and will be open until 23:59 (GMT) on 1st July 2018.


For more information, please visit the Crick website. You can download the Expression of Interest Form here and retrieve guidelines for filling the form here.

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