WACCBIP invites its students and research fellows to participate in the 34th annual Molecular Parasitology Meeting (MPM) to be held from 17 to 21 September 2023.
MPM brings scientists from across the world together each year to share, learn, and create new friendships and collaborations. Last year, over 50 countries were represented. The meeting will include scientific talks, poster sessions, and social and networking events. Presentations at MPM feature research about a wide range of parasites. The majority of research focuses on understanding molecular mechanisms of parasite biology and control and spans a wide range of topics and approaches, including biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, host-parasite interactions, vector-parasite interactions, population biology, ‘omics analyses, and development of drugs, vaccines, and other new tools.
This year's meeting will be in a hybrid format, with attendees joining from the Marine Biological Lab in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA as well as online. As in previous years, limited travel awards for students and postdocs who would like to attend the meeting in person will be made available.
Instructions on how to apply for financial assistance are available at theMPM XXXIV website.Travel award applications are due March 1 (firm deadline).
Registration for the meeting will open later in the spring. Virtual registration fee waivers will be available for residents of low- and middle-income countries.
The official website and schedule for MPM XXXIV can be reached here or via the Marine Biological Lab conference website.