Postdoctoral Fellows
Through funding obtained from the Wellcome Trust, WACCBIP introduced a postdoctoral programme for newly graduated PhDs, as a mechanism to support these young scientists to establish their independent research paths, before taking up teaching appointments which would saddle them with high teaching loads. The programme has been a great success in boosting research quality and productivity at the Centre and its regional partner institutions.
Current Fellows

Nationality : Kenyan

Nationality : Ghanaian

Nationality : Ghanaian

Nationality : Ghanaian

Nationality : Ghanaian

Nationality : Cameroonian

Nationality : Cameroonian

Nationality : Ghanaian

Nationality : Cameroonian

Nationality : Cameroonian

Nationality : Ghanaian

Nationality : Malian

Nationality : Ghanaian

Nationality : Gambian

Nationality : Nigerian

Nationality : Ghanaian
Past Fellows

Nationality : Nigerian

Nationality : Ghanaian

Nationality : Ghanaian
Research Project Title : Host susceptibility to Tuberculosis (TB) in Ghana
Host Institution : WACCBIP, Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology/Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana
Mentor : Prof. Dorothy Yeboah-Manu & Prof. Ambroise Wonkam

Nationality : Malian
Research Project Title : Epidemiology, clinical neurophysiology, and molecular genetic studies of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Mali.
Host Institution : Malaria Research and Training Center at the University of Science, Techniques, and Technology, Bamako, Mali
Mentor : Dr. Seydou Doumbia

Nationality : Malian
Research Project Title : Genomic variation in P. falciparum and pharmacogenomics of antimalarial drugs in Mali
Host Institution : Malaria Research and Training Center at the University of Science, Techniques, and Technology, Bamako, Mali
Mentor : Prof. Mahamadou Diakite

Nationality : Nigerian
Research Project Title : Development of new generation blood-stage malaria vaccines
Host Institution : WACCBIP, Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Ghana
Mentor : Prof. Gordon Awandare

Nationality : Gambian
Research Project Title : Using bioinformatics tools to validate a host biosignature for diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis
Host Institution : WACCBIP, Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Ghana
Mentor : Prof. Dorothy Yeboah-Manu and Dr. Myrsini Kaforou

Nationality : Ghanaian
Research Project Title : Unravelling the molecular players during Plasmodium falciparum invasion of erythrocytes
Host Institution : WACCBIP, Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Ghana
Mentor : Prof. Gordon Awandare

Nationality : Ghanaian

Nationality : Kenyan

Nationality : Nigerian
Research Project Title : Genetic variations and differential immunological response to malaria chemotherapy in variably exposed West African populations
Host Institution : Medical Research Unit, Fajara, the Gambia
Mentor : Dr. Alfred Amamba Ngwa

Nationality : Cameroonian
Research Project Title : Genetic factors associated with cardiovascular diseases in Cameroonian sickle cell disease patients
Host Institution : University of Cape Town, South Africa
Mentor : Prof. Ambroise Wonkam

Nationality : Ghanaian
Research Project Title : Characterizing Genetic Breast Cancer Risk Factors in Ghanaian Women
Host Institution : WACCBIP, Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, University of Ghana
Mentor : Regina Appiah-Opong and Prof. Gordon Awandare

Nationality : Ghanaian
Research Project Title : The role of dominant midgut bacteria isolated from Anopheles mosquitoes in Ghana in larval development and susceptibility to Plasmodium infection
Host Institution : WACCBIP, Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology/Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana
Mentor : Prof. Michael Wilson

Nationality : Kenyan
Research Project Title : Validation of candidate mutations in Plasmodium for resistance to the antimalarial drugs Piperaquine and Lumefantrine
Host Institution : Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kilifi, Kenya
Mentor : Dr. Faith Osier